Bitcoin journal cover pages are the title pages of the documents, that provide all the relevant information regarding putting money in bitcoin. These documents are usually published as guides or books for bitcoin investing. The cover page or the front page of the guide needs to be designed carefully as it can prove to be a marketing and selling tool for the publishers. In addition, it is the introductory page of the document, and hence, it should provide a gist of the document as well.
A book is judged by its cover…
Bitcoin has recently become very popular, and people are hopeful about generating money by investing in bitcoin. However, the lack of understanding, awareness, and guidelines has increased the demand for bitcoin investing guides. As it is often said that a book is judged by its cover the authors and publishers need to make the cover pages of their guides or books attractive and enticing enough so that the purchaser would choose their guides/books.
Keep this in mind before designing…
When the cover page is being designed, and the information is being selected that would be put on it, there are many factors that need consideration, which include:
- If the publisher is getting the cover page designed by a professional, he needs to weigh the costs and benefits.
- If a free template is being edited, it needs to be ensured, that the distinctiveness should not get lost in the process.
- The cover page should be eye-catching as well as should have attractive colors, images, and slogans.
- Its design and look should be professional, yet the observer’s eyes should get glued to it.
- It should have the correct and sufficient information. At the same time, it should not be overloaded with details.
- The images should not overshadow the text, and the text should be clear, properly sized and spaced, and finely printed.
- It should clearly state the type of book, guide, document, etc., it is.
- The cover page should reflect the content, that is inside of the document so that the onlooker would know, if he is interested in its purchase or not.
Selection of information…
The information chosen mutually by the author and the publisher can vary, as per their requirements. However, generally, the following information is included on the bitcoin journal cover pages:
- Year of publishing.
- Edition number.
- Name of the author/s.
- Title of the guide.
- Explanatory statements, that show the type of the document e.g., bitcoin investing guide, etc.
- Any interesting and catchy slogan/s to differentiate it from the other bitcoin investing guides, documents, books, etc.
- Images, if any.
- Background images or design, if any.
- Version type, e.g., discounted version, limited version, etc.
- List of the document or key points.
A well-designed and well-prepared cover page will result in high sales of the book or the guide. Bitcoin investing is increasing; the authors and publishers can increase their incomes as well by printing more and more books/guides, that have interesting cover pages, to attract the maximum number of buyers.

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