Every student gets an assignment during his study life. Making assignments has great significance in the life of a student. In almost every institute, abilities and knowledge are assessed through assignments, apart from exams. Computer students also get assignments to make. There is a lot of competition in the class since everyone struggles to get maximum marks on the assignment.
Every student desires to make his assignment stand out so that it can compel the teacher to give good marks. Many students make their assignments more catchy and worth reading by adding a cover page.
Students often prepare a cover page for their assignment before submitting it. The use of a cover page puts a positive impression on the mind of the teacher, and he or she is likely to give good marks if the cover page is designed for an assignment.
What is an assignment cover page?
The cover page of an assignment that tells the reader about the content included in the assignment, the name of the student, and many other details is known as the assignment cover page. This is considered beneficial for the reader since it gives a clear idea of what he is going to read. A student of the computer can create a computer assignment cover page to know what has been covered by the assignment.
What are the elements of an assignment cover page?
Generally, an assignment cover page includes:
- Details about students, such as name, class, section, and roll number
- Subject-related information such as subject name, code, chapter number, name, and topic name
- Due date of submitting the assignment
- The date on which the assignment is being submitted.
- If the extension applies to the assignment submission, mention the details regarding it
- The total length of words.
Although it is not compulsory, a student may add a statement regarding intellectual property. In this statement, a student claims that the assignment’s content is his work and that he has not committed plagiarism.
He can confirm that he has checked the assignment for plagiarism, and he also allows the institute to check the plagiarism through any electronic means. The student should also write in this section that he read the policies of the institute before assignment submission.
What are the benefits of a computer assignment cover page?
The key benefits of the assignment cover page are:
- An assignment cover page lets the reader know about the content of the assignment
- The cover page includes the name of the student and subject, that tells right away to whom this assignment belongs.
- An attractive cover page makes a good impression on the reader, compels the reader to read the assignment and shows appreciation for the student for putting serious effort and investing time in creating a cover page along with the assignment
- An assignment cover letter not only reflects the assignment but is also a representative of the student who creates it. A decent and attractive assignment will surely reflect the decency of the student.
See the following list and download the design that you like. Cheers!!
This computer assignment cover page is simple yet elegant, enclosing the details of the assignment in a dotted-line border. A lighter-tone background and bold heading are enough to appeal to the reader towards the assignment title and its subject. The name of the submitting student can be easily mentioned beneath the assignment name, while the details of the subject title are provided at the bottom. The stroke of blue color puts grace on the cover page and adds value to the assignment.

Cover page format: MS Word 2007 | 2010 | 2013
File Size: 5 MB
License: [Only for personal use]
Here is another cover page that is bold and bright. The color red grabs attention while providing all the assignment details in mid-center alignment. This alignment highlights the specifics of the assignment evenly, that is, giving details of the assignment heading, its subject, the name of the student, and the date of submission. The graphical lines on the left margin are an important feature of the cover page, hence distinguishing the text and enhancing the look of the cover page itself.

Cover page format: MS Word 2007 | 2010 | 2013
File Size: 5 MB
License: [Only for personal use]
This is a very unique cover page that is eye-catching yet has a professional look. Black being the bold color makes this cover page stand out of the ordinary. The major headline of the computer assignment covers the top portion of the cover page, provided with a black stroke underneath, giving a clear distinction between the rest of the assignment details. Overall, this cover page is well-balanced, giving a strong outlook and hence a strong impression of the work assignment.

Cover page format: MS Word 2007 | 2010 | 2013
File Size: 5 MB
License: [Only for personal use]
Here we go with the fourth cover page. This is all stylish and trendy, providing a blue and yellow color combination on a white background. This cover page goes according to the mood of the youth. As these cover pages are for computer assignments, they provide a different look and a different perception. It has enclosed the details of the subject, the writer of the assignment, and further important points of the assignment in graphical boxes. This helps the reader to get an exact idea of what the assignment is all about.

Cover page format: MS Word 2007 | 2010 | 2013
File Size: 5 MB
License: [Only for personal use]
Here goes the fifth and last cover page of computer assignments. This is an easy-to-go, simple, yet graceful cover page. The block-line border frames the attention of the reader toward the details of the assignment, mentioning the assignment heading at the top while the subject of the assignment is at the bottom. The background picture, being related to computers, gives it an edge, while the brown color makes it look mature and firm.

Cover page format: MS Word 2007 | 2010 | 2013
File Size: 5 MB
License: [Only for personal use]

Cover page format: MS Word 2007 | 2010 | 2013
File Size: 4 MB
License: [Only for personal use]

File Size: 4 MB
License: [Only for personal use]

File Size: 5 MB
License: [Only for personal use]

File Size: 8 MB
License: [Only for personal use]

File Size: 6 MB
License: [Only for personal use]
See also:
- Political Conference Paper Cover Pages
- Economic Policy Evaluation Cover Pages
- Economic Conference Paper Cover Pages
- Political Analysis Report Cover Pages
- Government Report Cover Pages
- Political Campaign Proposal Cover Pages
- Economic Impact Study Cover Pages
- Grant Proposal Cover Pages
- Lesson Plan Cover Pages
- Healthcare Policy/Procedure Manual Cover Pages
- Economic Research Paper Cover Pages
- Clinical Trial Report Cover Pages
- Medical Articles Journal Cover Pages
- Company Profile Cover Pages
- Medical Case Study Cover Pages