Children Quiz Book Cover Pages

What is a quiz book?

Teachers usually create quiz books for children when they want to assess the knowledge of the children in a particular area. This book usually creates questions and answers that help the children prepare for the test in the future. The level of knowledge in the quiz book depends on the level of the child for which it is intended to work.

Just like any other mainstream book, the quiz book also has a cover page. We are often told not to judge a book by its cover. However, it is so tempting to judge a book by its cover that we cannot ignore the cover. Mostly, we buy the book by seeing its cover. Children also go for the quiz book which has the most attractive things to display.

What is the cover page of a children’s book?

The cover page is the very first page to be seen when you first have a glimpse of the book. It is obvious that when you are in the market to buy a quiz book for a child, of course, you cannot read each and every book of the entire stock to decide which one to buy. So, you will have to rely on the cover page of the book. The cover page makes an impression on the person wanting to read a book. If the cover page is attractive enough, it will definitely allure the reader to buy that book. Similarly, if the cover page is just an ordinary outer cover with a boring design, the reader will not even like to give it a second look.

Tips for creating the cover page of the quiz book of the children:

Children cannot take interest in a book unless they fall in love with it or they feel curious about the content it holds. Without an attractive cover page, you will never be converted the quiz book into a sale. A book that has a good sale does not mean it has been designed in a good way accidentally. Rather, the design of the cover page has been strategized in a way that has attracted the readers towards it. Considering this fact, we have some tips for you to help you get started with creating the cover page:

Add the content in diagonal:

It has been observed that readers find the cover page to be appealing when the content of the cover page is laid out in the diagonal. It means that the content goes in a sequence from the top left to the bottom right of the cover page. When the reader is conditioned to read in diagonal, he feels good about it and decides to buy that. We need to choose the layout of the content that is comfortable for the eyes to read. If we completely ignore this fact and we don’t pay attention to what eyes find comfortable, we will put the strain on eyes and brain causing the reader not to choose our book for reading.

Choose focal points carefully:

A good cover page of the quiz book can be designed perfectly if the focal points are chosen prudently. There are some principles to be kept in mind which are:

  1. There are different elements on the cover page. The size of each element should vary so that every element on the cover page does not compete with each other. This will also allow you to assign the size to elements based on their importance. For example, the size of the title should be the largest because it is the most important part. The size of the book edition can be kept smaller since it is not as important as the title.
  2. If you want to make any specific element standout such as the title of the book, make some white spaces around it. This will isolate that element and focus will no longer be a problem.
  3. The location of the element on the cover page also matters a lot. For example, if you put something in the center of the cover page, it will be read first.

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Children quiz book cover page


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Children quiz book cover page


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Children quiz book cover page


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Children quiz book cover page


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