Children’s Book Cover Designs

Book cover designs for children should be colorful and eye-catching. Kids have an imaginative world and creative thinking. They enjoy books that offer wonderful illustrations along with interesting content. The cover design is the first impression of any book. It should, therefore, be extremely attractive to grasp the attention of children.

Templates for children’s book cover design can make the designing process easy for you. You can use them to create your own customized illustrations for book covers. Browse through an entire collection of amazing artwork. You are sure to find a design that suits your book’s theme and subject.

Make use of customization options to edit the design. You can add or delete elements and put text along with the illustration. The book’s main title, author’s name, and printing company’s name are usually on the book cover. These can be added through the available customization tools.


These templates also serve another important purpose. Designers can take inspiration from the ideas presented here to create their own book covers. There is a plethora of eye-catching ideas available. These have been designed by professional artists and graphic designers.

Each of these designs has been created after proper research regarding the interests of the main audience. These are based on what appeals most to children and what would hold their attention. Using these ideas can help you design your own children’s book cover design that would definitely grasp the attention of the target audience.

Pre-designed formats…

Another benefit of using these templates is that you do not have to create your own design from scratch. In addition, you can create a wonderful cover illustration even if you are not a professional designer or artist. In fact, you do not require any knowledge about designing or computer graphics when you are using these templates. All you need to do is select an appropriate cover design, customize it, and download the final design.

The collection of these templates is huge. You will find cover designs based on almost all the topics related to children’s books. There are information books like science and general knowledge. Then there are fiction stories including various story books as well as novels. The cover design should be according to the theme of the book. You are most certainly going to find an illustration that fulfills your major requirements.

Make suitable changes…

These templates can make the entire designing job super easy. All you need is a computer along with access to the internet. There is no need for any heavy software like Adobe Photoshop. You can use the built-in editing tools in order to make customization changes to the selected template.

Overall, these templates save both time and money. You can create children’s book cover designs that are appealing and look professional. All of these designs are creative and innovative. These have been specifically designed to catch the attention of young readers who would thoroughly enjoy their books with great content and amazing illustrations. Beautiful cover designs would enhance their overall reading experience.

Children book cover page

View all designs of various sizes

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