Art Book Cover Pages

Your art book is full of your sense of drawing and creativity. However, its cover page itself is an art. If you have focused on your art and you have managed to design a complete art book, then you should also pay attention to its cover page. A beautifully crafted art book with a bland or boring cover page will not be able to grab the attention of people no matter how beautifully you have adorned the inside of the book with your art. Therefore, you must get yourself a cover page.

What is an art book cover page? 

It is the first page that represents the entire book. The cover page includes the title of the book, the name of the author, the year of publication, and much more. The cover page should look beautiful and catchy so that people feel compelled to hold the book in hand and look through the art it represents.

Who designs the cover page?

People who are not so familiar with the art of making a cover page generally take help from graphic designers. They first try to understand the content of the book and then they make the cover page that is most relevant to it. However, people who have designed their art books often like to showcase their art on the cover page also. So, they don’t need to take help from designers. In simple words, anyone can design a cover page.

In general, a cover of a book protects the book from getting damaged or prevents the neat and clean pages of the book from spillovers and dirt. Another purpose of the cover is to introduce the book to the viewer. The person who has created an art book has the freedom to showcase the art of their choice. Whatever design they choose to exhibit on the cover page always allows them to speak to people through their work.

What are the benefits of the cover?

You will not find a single book without a cover because of the many benefits it comes with. Some of them are:

It helps in branding:

Some people establish their brand by choosing a specific logo and color scheme that distinguishes them from others. Generally, this type of information is showcased on the cover page. So, branding becomes easy when a cover page is used.

It helps the author in communicating the style:

Every artist has a unique style that helps him/her in establishing a unique identity among other artists. Some artists like to represent their style through their art as well as the cover. They will never compromise on the quality and design of the cover as it is the first page to be seen.

It helps increase sales:

Authors who like to sell their books online are required to work more diligently on the cover because it will affect the sales of the books. If the cover page is catchy, it is likely to increase the sales of the book.


Art book Cover Page Template

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Art book Cover Page Template

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Art book Cover Page Template

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Art book Cover Page Template

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Art book Cover Page Template

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