Christmas Adventure Cover Page Templates

The Christmas adventure cover pages are the title or front pages of a book that is designed for children as a storybook focusing on some sort of a Christmas adventure. As this is the first page of a book it needs to be attractive enough to appeal to the required audience as well as it should have the basic information about the book to let the audience know if the book is for them.

The cover page is one of the most important things to be considered when a book is to be published. Many times the story inside the book is interesting but the cover page has not been designed properly which results in its disregard with respect to the people’s choice of the book which further leads to minimal book sales.

Therefore, considerate importance should be given to the design and colors of, and information on, a cover page. Some of the factors, that should be focused on, are:

  • The cover page need to clearly reflect the type of story/stories the book contains, i.e., the Christmas adventure/s.
  • The basic information, that a viewer would look for in a quick glance, while choosing a book, should be provided on the cover page.
  • The font of the cover page text should be captivating, yet readable.
  • The colors used should be bright and attractive, as the target audience is the small children.
  • The images chosen should imply what the story is about as well as the pictures should be fascinating enough, as the story book is about the Christmas adventure.
  • The cover page should clearly state that the book is for children.

When designing the cover page, the publishing company may decide to design the cover page itself, or hire a professional, or choose a readily available free template, and customize it as required. The last option would certainly save a lot of time and money, but the first two options may result in the uniqueness of the cover page.

The information that needs to be included on a cover page would be chosen by the author, the publisher, and the sponsors. However, the type of Christmas adventure, and the number of stories in the book, also play a role in deciding what goes on the title page of the book. However, generally, the following information is included on the Christmas adventure cover page:

  • Name or title of the book.
  • Author’s name.
  • Edition number.
  • Publisher details.
  • The statement to show suitability for kids or mentioned minimum age.
  • Any attractive images and slogans.
  • Gist of the book, if there are more than one story in the book.
  • Bar code.

When the cover page is attractive and interesting, it catches the attention of the reader, which results in the book’s purchase. Therefore, the cover page is a good marketing tool, which can be utilized effectively, to attract readers, and make sales.

Sample Templates



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