Report Cover Pages for Various Businesses

The cover page of any book, magazine, journal, report, newsletter, or notepad has impactful importance in academic and technical writing. It has been a big source of creating the first impression. A cover page is the first page that the reader will look at. If it does not appeal to the reader or makes him pester in any way, there are chances you will not get the desired results. 

Cover pages of books and magazines are selected after a lot of mindful thinking and extra work. Publishers hire graphic designers and assistants for this specific task. Have you ever wondered why they spend so much on a single cover? Because the cover page has the potential to make or break the market of that text. 

Cover Page of a Report:

A report is an organized form of writing that can be on any specific issue. Sometimes, the report is about causes and effects, and sometimes, it is just a concise form of data collected and organized to present some facts and figures. 

In corporate and non-corporate businesses, both, report writing has a big importance. Companies hire technical writers to draft and design their reports. Reports are sent to other organizations and companies, which carry the image of the company. 

Many things are included in a report including data collection, data samples, examination, analysis, recommendations, etc. Each page of a report speaks about one important aspect of the report. Reports are organized and designed in a very careful manner and then presented for presentations and further evaluations. 

One of the most significant parts of the report is its cover. It is commonly said that don’t judge a book by its cover but the irony is, each book is judged by its cover no matter what. 

You should be careful and greatly mindful while working on the cover page of a report. It is advised by many senior writers that the report cover page should be designed and finalized at the final stage of drafting. 

Parts of a Report Cover Page:

Before talking about any other thing, let’s look at what are the elements of a cover page. The cover page of a report must have the following elements on it:

  • Title of the report
  • The subtitle of the report
  • Author and co-author
  • Authorial details
  • Submission agency 
  • Image or logo of your business
  • Date of the final draft
  • The period of data collection (e.g., 2016-2018)
  • A two-lined summary at the end of the cover page

Report writing is different at different levels and institutes. While making a report in an academic research institute, you might have to follow the instructions told by your supervisor to design the cover page. 

While writing a report for your own office/company, you have to seek what your boss or the team head would like. Thus, here are some standard tips to make your report cover page look outstanding without any extra effort. You just have to keep the following things in mind while designing a cover page. 

Understand Your Audience:

This is the first rule to write anything. Whatever you are writing, always keep in mind your audience. If your audience is an expert team, you might have to put a lot into your writing. But if the report is going to the common audience in a school or small business you might have to organize things more explicitly. 

Be Direct and Univocal:

You should be easy to understand from the cover page of your report. If it appeals to the reader, only then it will be given due attention. Stay relevant and avoid obsolete jargon. 

Use of High Contract Colors:

Use high contrast of a pair or three shades of color to make your cover page look different and bright. Do not use many bright colors for highly official reports. The reports that belong to restaurants, entertainment, or even apparel, should be in high contract bright colors but the ones belonging to healthcare, medicine, insurance companies, etc., should be in light colors. Do not overdo it while selecting colors. 

Select a Nice Font:

Some people use fonts that do not resonate with the niche of their report. It does not make your report look right. Use fonts for the cover page that are used inside the report as well. Also, be mindful of font size as well. 

There are many service providers available online that give cost-effective and professional services in graphic designing and cover design. Many free samples are also available that can be downloaded and easily customized. 


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